Friday, May 05, 2006

Reading Response Four

Dan Feuerbach
English 354
Reading Response #4

The Haas article was interesting on many levels. I thought the story of a young lady entering college and having to learn the ideas of literacy within a discipline. This applies to me because I am having trouble currently with the language used in book for class. It uses lots of psychological terms I am not familiar with and makes the text hard to comprehend.
The most effective part of this book was using Eliza as an anchor for the essay. Haas’ method of following her though college and experiencing her ups and downs as she learned biology-literacy is an effective way to illustrate the points being argued.
I liked the section on page 370 entitled “Discussion of Narrative.” It shows her development as a student. She goes from using texts as a source of information to actually understanding the concepts presented in them. This seems to be one of the key moments in the essay because so much of Haas’ argument hinges on it.
Although I liked the text, the subject presented didn’t exactly enthrall me. Once again, the psycho-babble was introduced, though to a lesser degree than previous texts. I could bear with it, and I understand that this is an academic paper, but it’s something about a lot of texts we read that I can’t quite dig.
Overall, I’d give this text a B. It was interesting, and I could identify with it, but the way it’s presented caused some headaches. I like the research Haas did, and the way it was collected, but I in the end, it was far from something I’d enjoy reading again.


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