Monday, April 24, 2006

Cover Letters

To the Editors of The Main Street Rag,
My name is Dan Feuerbach and I am a Junior English major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I recently came across an issue of your magazine and I found it to be an excellent publication. I have decided to submit three poems to your establishment for your consideration.
The three poems included in this letter are “Saturday Night,” “It’s Not Fair,” and “The Ex-Girlfriend.” These three poems are original works which I wrote at different times over a period of six months. The earliest is “It’s Not Fair,” which was written in October of 2005 and the most recent is “Saturday Night,” which was finished in March of 2006. I believe these three poems are the highest quality of all the poems I have written and I look forward to hearing back from this magazine in the future. Sincerely,

-Dan Feuerbach

Dan Feuerbach
2017 S. 18th St. Apt. 2
Lincoln, Nebraska

(402) 677-5266

To the Editor of Orion Magazine,
My name is Dan Feuerbach and I am a Junior English major at the university of Nebraska-Lincoln. I saw that your magazine addresses social issues and I thought it would be appropriate to submit an essay I wrote a year ago about student resistance in the classroom. I have enclosed the piece in an envelope along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. I look forward to hearing from your publication soon.

-Dan Feuerbach
2017 S. 18th St. Apt. 2
Lincoln, Nebraska



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